According to them, this is in cognizant with the current socio-economic conditions and the job realities facing the Filipino nurses.
The memo was signed by Carmencita M. Abaquin (Chairman), Leonila A. Faire, Betty F. Merritt, Perla G. Po, Marco Antonio C. Sto.Tomas, Yolanda C. Arugay and Amelia B. Rosales, Members.
In your Nursing Ethics and Professional Adjustment/Jursiprudence Lessons your school should have taught you that THERE ARE 3-FOLD REQUIREMENTS TO BE A PROFESSIONAL/RN IN THE PHILIPPINES: 1. Apply, take and PASS your Nurse Licensure Examination; 2. Take your Oath of Professional (individually or in group); and 3. Register from your Professional License. You have satisfied only no. 1 and you will need to satisfy the 2nd and 3rd requirement by adhering to the schedules to be set by PRC so keep yourselves posted in the PRC Website.
The BON has DONE AWAY with the traditionally MASS OATHTAKING in order to respond to current "economic difficulties" faced by "most" your families (cost-saving measures) and current job-scarcity among nurses. SIMPLIFYING the oathtaking is a must at this time. So YOU MAY TAKE YOUR OATH AT THE SAME TIME OF REGISTRATION with PRC.
Source: BoN Marco Antonio C. Sto Tomas Fan Page
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