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Mar 17, 2010

NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE IV – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations

NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE IV – Care of Clients with Physiologic and Psychosocial Alterations

June 2008 Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE)
June 2008 NP4 Nursing Board Exam Answer Key
Nursing Board Exams Questions 16-30

Situation – Radiation therapy is another modality of cancer management. With emphasis on multidisciplinary management you have important responsibilities as a nurse

16. Albert is receiving external radiation therapy and he complains of fatigue and malaise. Which of the following nursing interventions would be most helpful for Albert?

A. Tell him that sometimes these feelings can be psychogenic

B. Refer him to the physician

C. Reassures him that these feelings are normal

D. Help him plan his activities

17. Immediately following the radiation teletherapy, Albert is:

A. Considered radioactive fro 24hours

B. Given a complete bath

C. Placed on isolation for 6 hours

D. Free from Radiation

18. Albert is admitted with a radiation induced thrombocytopenia. As a nurse you should observe the following symptoms:

A. Petechiae, ecchymosis, epistaxis

B. Weakness, easy fatigability, pallor

C. Headache, dizziness, blurred vision

D. Severe sore throat, bacteremia, hepatomegaly

19. What nursing diagnosis should be the highest priority?

A. Knowledge deficit regarding thrombocytopenia precautions

B. Activity intolerance

C. Impaired tissue integrity

D. Ineffective tissue perfusion, peripheral, cerebral, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal

20. What intervention should you include in your care plan?

A. Inspect his skin for petechiae, bruising, GI bleeding regularly

B. Place Albert on strict isolation precaution

C. Provide rest in between activities

D. Administer antipyretics if his temperature exceeds 38 C

Situation - You are assigned to take care of four patients with different conditions.

21. KJ, who is to have a kidney transplant asks you how long will he take azathioprime (Imuran), cyclosporine and prednisone? You recognized that KJ understood the teaching when he states, “I must take these medications:

A. until the anastomosis heals

B. during the preoperative period

C. until the supply is over

D. for the rest of my life

22. After the kidney transplant, you must observe KJ for signs of rejection which includes:

A. fever and weight gain

B. hematuria and seizure

C. polyuria and jaundice

D. moon face and muscle atrophy

23. FB, 28 years old with chronic renal disease plans to receive a kidney transplant. Recently, FB was told by his physician that he was a poor candidate for transplant because of his hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Now, FB tells you “I want to go off dialysis, I’d rather not live than to be in this treatment the rest of my life”. How would you respond to him?

A. leave the room and allow him to collect his thoughts

B. tell FB that “ We all have days when we don’t feel like going on”

C. tell FB that “ Treatments are only three times a week, you can live with that”

D. take a sit next to him and sit quietly

24. DS signed a consent form for participation in a clinical trial for implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Which statement by DS indicates the need for further teaching before true informed consent can be obtained?

A. “a wire from the generator will be attached to my heart”

B. “the physician will make a small incision in my chest wall and place the generator there”

C. “I wonder if there is another way to protect these bad rhythms”

D. “this implanted defibrillator will protect me from those bad rhythms my heart goes into”

25. KP is participating in a cardiac study in which his physician is directly involved. Which statement by KP indicates a lack of understanding about his rights as a research study participant?

A. “My confidentiality will not be compromised in this study”

B. “ I understand the risk associated in this study”

C. “I can withdraw from the study anytime”

D. “ I’ll have to find a new physician if I don’t complete this study”

Situation - Foot care among patients with peripheral vascular problems is very important.

26. When teaching a client with peripheral vascular disease about foot care, you should include which instructions:

A. avoid wearing canvas shoes

B. avoid using a nail clipper to cut toe nails

C. avoid use of cornstarch on the foot

D. avoid wearing cotton socks

27. FT, who has no known history of peripheral vascular disease, comes to the emergency room complaining of sudden onset of lower leg pain. Inspection and palpation reveal absent pulses, paresthesia and a mottled, cyanotic, cold, cadaverous left calf. While the physician determines the appropriate management, you should:

A. shave the affected leg in anticipation of surgery

B. place a healing pad around the calf

C. keep the affected leg level or slightly dependent

D. elevate the affected calf as high as possible

28. Peripheral neuropathies primarily affect:

A. sensory functions

B. vascular functions

C. optic functions

D. motor functions

29. Peripheral neuropathy can BEST be controlled by:

A. good glucose control

B. steroid therapy

C. vitamin supplement

D. nothing, there is no slowing the process

30. In addition to clients with diabetes mellitus you must be aware that acute hypoglycemia can also develop in a client with:

A. hypertension

B. hyperthyroidism

C. liver disease

D. diabetes insipidus

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