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Nov 27, 2009

NURSING BOARD EXAM PRACTICE – Community Health Nursing and Care of the Mother and Child

June 2008 Nursing Licensure Examination (NLE)

NURSING PRACTICE II – Community Health Nursing and Care of the Mother and Child
Nursing Board Exams Review Questions 31-55

Situation – Nurse Anna is a new BSN graduate and has just passed her Licensure Examination for Nurses in the Philippines . She has likewise been hired as a new Community Health Nurse in one of the Rural Health Units in their City, which of the following conditions may be acceptable TRUTHS applied to Community Health Nursing Practice.

31. Which of the following is the primary focus of community health nursing practice?

A. Cure of illnesses

B. Prevention of illnesses

C. Rehabilitation back to health

D. Promotion of health

32. In community health nursing, which of the following is our unit of service as nurses?

A. The community

B. The extended members of every family

C. The individual members of the Barangay

D. The Family

33. A very important part of the Community Health Nursing Assessment Process includes:

A. the application of professional judgment in estimating importance of

facts to family and community

B. evaluation structures and qualifications of health center team

C. coordination with other sectors in relation to health concerns

D. carrying out nursing procedures as per plan of action

34. In community health nursing it is important to take into account the family health data

coupled with an equally important need to perform ocular inspection of the area as activities

which are powerful elements of:

A. evaluation

B. assessment

C. implementation

D. planning

35. The initial step in PLANNING process in order to engage in any nursing project or

activities at the community level involves

A. goal-setting

B. monitoring

C. evaluation of data

D. provision of data

Situation – Please continue responding as a professional nurse in these other health

situations through the following questions.

36. Transmission of HIV from an infected individual to another person occurs:

A. Most frequently in nurses with needlesticks

B. Only if there is a large viral load in the blood

C. Most commonly as a result of sexual contact

D. In all infants born to women with HIV infection

37. The medical record of a client reveals a condition in which the fetus cannot pass through

the maternal pelvis. The nurse interprets this as:

A. Contracted pelvis

B. Maternal disproportion

C. Cervical insufficiency

D. Fetopelvic disproportion

38. The nurse would anticipate a cesarean birth for a client who has which infection present

at the onset of labor?

A. Herpes-simplex virus

B. Human papilloma virus

C. Hepatitis

D. Toxoplasmosis

39. After a vaginal examination, the nurse determines that the client’s fetus is in an occiput

posterior position. The nurse would anticipate that the client will have:

A. A precipitous birth

B. Intense back pain

C. Frequent leg cramps

D. Nausea and vomiting

40. The rationales for using a prostaglandin gel for a client prior to the induction of labor is


A. Soften and efface the cervix

B. Numb cervical pain receptors

C. Prevent cervical lacerations

D. Stimulate uterine contractions

Situation – Nurse Lorena is a Family Planning and Infertility Nurse Specialist and currently attends to FAMILY PLANNING CLIENTS AND INFERTILE COUPLES. The following conditions pertain to meeting the nursing needs of this particular population group.

41. Dina, 17 years old, asks you how a tubal ligation prevents pregnancy. Which would be the best answer?

A. Prostaglandins released from the cut fallopian tubes can kill sperm

B. Sperm can not enter the uterus because the cervical entrance is blocked.

C. Sperm can no longer reach the ova, because the fallopian tubes are


D. The ovary no longer releases ova as there is no where for them to go.

42. The Dators are a couple undergoing testing for infertility. Infertility is said to exist


A. a woman has no uterus

B. a woman has no children

C. a couple has been trying to conceive for 1 year

D. a couple has wanted a child for 6 months

43. Another client named Lilia is diagnosed as having endometriosis. This condition

interferes with fertility because:

A. endometrial implants can block the fallopian tubes

B. the uterine cervix becomes inflamed and swollen

C. the ovaries stop producing adequate estrogen

D. pressure on the pituitary leads to decreased FSH levels

44. Lilia is scheduled to have a hysterosalphingogram. Which of the following instructions

would you give her regarding this procedure?

A. She will not be able to conceive for 3 months after the procedure

B. The sonogram of the uterus will reveal any tumors present

C. Many women experience mild bleeding as an after effect

D. She may feel some cramping when the dye is inserted

45. Lilia’s cousin on the other hand, knowing nurse Lorena’s specialization asks what

artificial insemination by donor entails. Which would be your best answer if you were Nurse Lorena?

A. Donor sperm are introduced vaginally into the uterus or cervix

B. Donor sperm are injected intra-abdominally into each ovary

C. Artificial sperm are injected vaginally to test tubal patency

D. The husband’s sperm is administered intravenously weekly

46. A child suffers a head injury in a tumbling accident in gym class. The nurse’s best course of action is to:

A. Get the child up walking and makes sure he or she stays awake

B. Leave the child and go get help

C. Leave the child in the care of an older child and go get help

D. Stay with the child, keep assessing and have someone call the caregivers

47. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that caregivers do which of the following things in regard to physical activities for preschoolers?

A. Push the child to practice sports activities while they are more flexible

B. Encourage a variety of physical activities in a noncompetitive environment

C. Have the child engage in competitive sports to see where they excel

D. Keep physical activities to a minimum until the child is in grade school.

48. Which of the following arrangements is generally considered to be the best for the parents of hospitalized infant or young child?

A. Rooming in

B. Separate caregiver sleeping room on the unit

C. Day visits and sleeping at home

D. Staying at a nearby hotel or motel

49. When one person allows the conflict to be resolved at his or her own expense, this is referred in conflict management as:

A. Losing

B. Winning while losing

C. The win-lose approach

D. The lose-win approach

50. Which of the following statements best describes acquaintance rape?

A. Sexual intercourse when one person engaging in the activity is unsure about wanting to do so.

B. When two people don’t love each and engage in sexual activities

C. When someone on a date tricks the other person into having sexual intercourse

D. Sexual intercourse committed with force of the threat if force of the threat Of force without a person’s contact.

51. A public health nurse would instruct a pregnant woman to notify the physician immediately if which of the following symptoms occur during pregnancy?

A. Presence of dark color in the neck

B. Increased vaginal discharge

C. Swelling of the face

D. Breast tenderness

52. A woman who is week 9 pregnant comes to the Health center with moderate bright red vaginal bleeding. On physical examination, the physician finds the client’s cervix 2 cm dilated. Which term best describes the client’s condition?

A. missed abortion

B. Incomplete abortions

C. Inevitable abortion

D. Threatened abortion

53. In a big government hospital, Nurse Pura is taking care of a woman with diagnosis of abruption placenta. What complication of this condition is most concerned to Nurse Pura?

A. Urinary tract infection

B. Pulmonary embolism

C. Hypocalcemia

D. Disseminated intravascular coagulation

54. Which of the following findings on a newly delivered woman’s chart would indicate she is at risk for developing postpartum hemorrhage?

A. Post-term delivery

B. Epidural anesthesia

C. Grand multiparity

D. Premature rupture of membrane

55. Mrs. Hacienda Gracia, 35 years old postpartum client is at risk of thrombophlebitis. Which of the following nursing interventions decrease her chances of developing postpartum thrombophlebitis?

A. Breastfeeding the newborn

B. Early ambulation

C. Administration of anticoagulant postpartum

D. Immobilization and elevation of the lower extremities

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