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Apr 7, 2009

Types of Diet

CLEAR LIQUID DIET = allows light to pass
Ex: Water, cola, cofee, carbonated beverages, gelatin, bouillon (claer soup/broth), hard candy, tea, apple juice.

FULL LIQUID DIET = all foods that are in clear liquid diet with milk, cream and fats
Ex: milk, margarine, yogurt, soymilk, ice cream, scrambled gg, butter, puddings (honey, caramel, hot chocolate)

SOFT DIET = hard boiled egg, fruits and vegetable (mashed potato, papaya, avocado, melon, watermelon)
= given to patient with difficulty of chewing and swallowing.

DIABETIC DIET = diet that is low in sugar
= use complex sugar
= propportion: CHO/ CHON/ Fats
CHO(sugar): 50%
CHON(Protein): 20%
Fats: 30%

1 gram = 4 calories

Ex: 2,500 calories
CHO: 50% = 1,250 cal = 312.5 g ( 1,250/4 = 312.5g)
CHON: 20% = 500 cal = 125 g ( 500/4 = 125g )
Fats: 30% = 750 cal = 83 g ( 750/4 = 83 g )

LOW SALT DIET = Na intake < 1500 mg
Adult: Salt intake of 2,000 mg/day is equal to < 1 tsp of salt
1. Removed processed foods (contains Na nitrate)
2. canned goods
3. noodles
4. condiments
= instead put herbs and spices

ALKALINE ASH DIET = alkalinize the body to combat cancer cells and decrease the risk of acquiring cancer
= prevent acidic stone
a. ↑ uricemia (Pyrazinamide)
Ex: foods rich in Calcium
1. milk
2. egg
3. all fruits and vegetables

ACID ASH DIET = acidify the urine
= prevent formation of alkaline stone
= prevent UTI
EX: cranberries, Prunes, Plump, foods rich in CHON (meat fish, poultry)

BLAND DIET = to decrease irritation of the G. I. tract.
= for P.U.D., gastritis, stomatitis
= DAT (diet as tolerated)

REGULAR DIET = 2,500 cal (2,000 - 2,500 cal)
= balanced diet (from all major food groups)

HIGH FIBER DIET = increase bulk in the stool to stimulate peristalsis (gastrocolic reflex)
= for contsipation
Ex: cron, green leafy vegetable, wheat, oats, tomatoe, watermelon
Ex: no or minimal seasoning

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