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Mar 30, 2009


1. One(1) unit of blood = 500 ml

2. NSS = The Only fluid compatible with Blood Tranfusion

3. Gauge = 19, 18, 17, 16 ( 18 - 19 most commonly use)

4. Administer within 30 minutes to decrease bacterial growth

5. Four(4) hours = maximum time of infusion

6. Two(2) nurses = check compatibility of blood

7. Warm the blood = wrap it in a dry towel
= let the tap water run over the blood

8. Mixing blood = tilt side to side

9. Twenty(20) gtts/min for the first 20 mins or 15 minutes

10.If there is reaction such as: Itchiness, Hives, Difficulty of breathing, Increase Temperature

Stop infusion

Open the NSS line

Notify the physician

Bring blood at the Blood Bank

11. KVO = 10gtts

12. Consent = needed for Blood Transfusion

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